Thursday, December 16, 2010

More Christmas Time Fun

We had tons of fun recently making these great gingerbread cookies at a Christmas Party, the best part was eating them afterwards....yummy!  

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Christmas Time Already...

It seems Christmas is coming even faster this year, we went out to a local tree farm last weekend and took some cute photos.  Thank you to Heatherly Tree Farm in Lebanon, CT.  Even though it was a very cold and windy day, the kids did great!  

Monday, October 25, 2010

Keeping up with the Bloggers...

Ok, it is about time for me to join...

I'll start with some of our recent Fall Festivities

Here we are at the Annual Pumpkins & Pooches on the Green in Colchester with our friend.
The only pumpkins and pooches pictured though are in the face paint....

My little "Lady" without the "Tramp" pictured here having some eats after the fun